Hey ya!

The countdown is on until my book launch for the Other Christy. I had this idea of doing a blog tour for the book, from June 27th to July 8th, so I’ve been contacting some old pals like Tristan Bancks and Sally Murphy, and meeting some cool new people like Annie McCann who runs Read3r Re-Vu. Just looking at the next few weeks, I have plenty of chances to promote and talk about The Other Christy. It’s always nice to have something fresh, and so I’ll be honing my spiel on Christy’s story, both for kids and teachers/booksellers/librarians.

People always ask me if every book needs to have a launch and I guess the answer is no…but at the same time, I love that opportunity to celebrate another stepping stone in my cHEwY journey (aka my writing career). Having been to launches in the past, they have always been breezy, fun occasions and a chance to catch up with people too. In fact, I don’t really have any birthday parties, so book launches are when friends from all sides, like high school, uni, teacher, church and writing etc, come together. Call it Avengers 3: Infinity War if you want haha. I’m also excited to be my other cHEwY gum gums who hopefully come along to be the first to snap up a copy!

And let’s face it, book launches are priceless promotion for your new book and a great kickstart for the book. I’ve already heard that The Other Christy is already being reprinted, so that’s a good sign that the book is striking the hearts of librarians everywhere. Add to that a glowing 4 and a half star review from Bookseller and Publisher and well…why not add a little more fuel to that rocket before it launches.

I’ll never take for granted for the fact that I’m still releasing books so I’m going to enjoy this one like a slice of cake, and devour it with joy 🙂

Oh and in case you are in Sydney…my book launch is at Sydney Dymocks, 424-430 George St, 2-4pm, June 11th. It’ll be a Saturday afternoon of cake, fun and books!



About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree

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