Rocking the sublurbs!

Hey cHEwY gum gums

I know it’s been another long gap. It’s funny how I’ll say that I’ll blog once a week, and that turns into a fortnight and well…nothing much has happened haha.

Okay, maybe a little bit has happened.

I went to a couple of events like the Book Expo at Homebush. I found out that The Other Christy has been slated for a May 2016 release, it should be a busy month for me because I’m also going to a festival around that time (I’ll reveal that later hehe). In the meantime, I’ve been working on some blurbs for the book. Some are written from Christy’s perspective (kinda like Con-nerd was from the main character’s view) and a general one (like Punchlines), and even a mix of both (like Thai-riffic!). I know blurbs mean a lot because I still see kids read the back of the book, so hopefully I nail it. I’m sure it’s going to blend well with the cover that my illustrator Evi is working on, it’s been ages since I’ve seen her, so I’m chuffed that she’s on board 🙂

Term 4 is where school visits trickle down, which is wonderful because I get to work on Super Con-nerd at home. But it’s also nice to still see kids as the year comes to an end. I got some news from a teacher friend who’s had 2 kids pick me to do a portrait. How’s that for famous hehe. Somebody did ask me if I was famous, and I said only in the bookworld, but for me that’s all that matters hehe.


About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree


  1. Stephen Bull says:

    04/11/15 @ 1:26 pm 

    Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for your brilliantly entertaining and inspiring visit to Cabra College yesterday. Some pics on our blog here:


  2. Oliver says:

    23/12/15 @ 12:02 pm 

    Thanks Stephen 🙂

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