Hey cHEwY gum gums

So whenever a new book comes out, I always head to random bookstores and see if they have my book. If they have my book, I take it out and stick it face out on the shelf. If they have a few copies, I ask the bookseller if I can sign the books. Yes it is kinda awkward but there are a few benefits from doing this. Author Ian Irvine  has a brilliant website about the truth about publishing (check it out aspiring writers) and he says that if you sign a book, the bookstore can’t send the book back to the publisher. Sale +1.

They’ll also put a nice ‘signed by the author’ stick on it and perhaps display it somewhere too hehe. But like Ian said, your new book only has a few weeks in the spotlight, until the new batch of books come out. So you’ve do it while you can 🙂

It’s also humbling when booksellers don’t know who you are. But now they’ve put a face to the book, so now a few people can look at The Other Christy and say ‘oh yeah, it was that random nerdy guy who couldn’t pronounce his title because he was so nervous.’

Yeah, that’s me. I don’t think it ever gets any easier. But hey, I don’t get to release books that often, so I’m gonna get excited, I’m gonna tell people about it haha. I still get a kick of seeing my books on the shelf 🙂


About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree

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