Hey cHEwY gum gums I’m back into the swing of things, going to Voices on the Coast a few weeks ago on the lovely Sunshine Coast. Okay, so it was overcast and cold, but it was still fun and I got to catch up with some author friends like Aleesah Darlison and making new ones like George Ivanoff! One of the highlights was a panel discussion with local Sunshine Coast authors Peter Carnavas, Pat Flynn and Dave Hackett. They spoke about where writing has taken them, in kinds of ways.

Looking back on the last five years of my cHEwY journey, I’ve been blessed to go to many places. When I first started out touring as an author, I went to a few local schools around Sydney. Then I was lucky enough to be invited to some interstate festivals, like the Brisbane Writers Festival and yes, Voices on the Coast was one of the first festivals I’ve been to.

Who would have thought that I would go overseas as an author for business (though it was all pleasure), places like China, India and New Zealand. The chance to meet international writers and illustrators, be a tourist and also try new foods (like maccas hehe, hey it does count).

Closer to home, I’ve been to schools all across Australia, from small country towns to giant schools that should have their own postcode. And the kids are still the same, no matter where you go. They like to laugh. They are a wealth of ideas for my stories hehe.

Even more closer to home are our writing spaces. Dave Hackett wrote his last novel in between his walk in closet, during the hours of 3 to 5am…crazy huh? But I guess different writers get into the zone at all types of hours (and for many who are parents, they haven’t got a choice). I used to be one of those people who never did any work on the plane and now I love writing during my flights. Something about an enclosed space and being trapped there…I got some editing work on the Other Christy done during my trip to the Sunshine Coast. For me, if I’m at home then it’s at my desk in the spare room. But my writing space can be in cafes, libraries, airports…anywhere that I can bring my laptop or notebook with me. In fact, during the talk at Voices on the Coast, I was jotting down notes for my next book hehe

So I can’t complain as far as jobs go, I’m pretty blessed to see many places because of my books, and when I close my eyes, those places will perhaps be the setting for my book. As Pat Flynn says, as a writer, you need to have life experiences. Yep, you need to have a life, who would have thought hehe

Let me know, where has writing taken you? And where are your writing spaces?



About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree

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