
What an awesome weekend in Melbourne, second day of Reading Matters was cool, and not because I was on a panel haha…Rebecca Stead and Brenton Mckenna kicked things off. I really love hearing Mckenna, kids are gonna love him, here’s a guy who created his own COMIC! Ubby’s underdogs has its roots in Mckenna’s indigenous family and life in Broome. I wish him all the success as he spreads the love of comics around Australia.

Ubby's Underdogs: The Legend of the Phoenix Dragon

My panel was Mates Mayhem with Richard Newsome, author of the radical Billionaire’s Curse trilogy, old school adventures with a modern twist. Along with Josh Earl, we talked about boys and well…what they get up to haha. I had a lot of fun with Richard, who’s wacky like me. The third and final? book in BC trilogy should be hitting stores in October!

Our panel will go down in history as the first author to do planking at any writers’ conference…Leeanne Hall is such a good sport and I hope we didn’t embarrass her too much hehe. Her sequel to This is Shyness is gonna be good and she gave away the first twist to me…yikes! You gotta wait next year cHEwY gum gums!

So thanks Reading Matters for the bookish panels, discussions and love of reading KIDYA books.

Oh and my book Con-nerd is finally out! I’ve done a couple of radio interviews, talking about this celebration of nerds and positive passion! Mostly nerdy stuff though 🙂


About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree

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