On Tuesday night, I met up with some other authors to support Room to Read, an organisation that helps educate kids worldwide. They do more than just send books over to kids, they find local authors and illustrators to publish books in their own language. They also support schools and libraries. We take books and literacy for granted here so I’m proud to support them in their work.
Along with Susanne Gervay, Deb Abela, Belinda Murrell and Kate Forsyth, we found out how Room to Read were going and it looks like they’re continuing to do awesome things.
Taken from Susanne Gervay's blog 🙂
In other cHEwY news, Lengy has been shortlisted for the REAL awards, which incorporate the kids choice book awards around Victoria (YABBA), New South Wales (KOALA), Northern Territory (CROC) and the ACT (COOL). I’m with great company on the list and thrilled that there are lots of cHEwY gum gums out there who like Lengy.