Endless Somerset!

Hello there!

I’m listening to Rosanna Hawke speak, gaining some insights of her writing. It’s been a highlight to hear so many new authors (for me). I just did Slam the Mic, a poetry slam comp with co-MC GhostBoy. He is someone who’s influenced the way I do my talks, taking wacky to a new level. He’s just as random as I am!

He drove the event, and got me to perform on the piano (I can’t play) and do some other random stuff hehe. Good jokes and excellent poetry!

Yesterday, I did a talk in the great hall and it was crazy. I did some improv that was borderline wrong but extremely funny hehe. As one kid puts it, not much about books but lots about comedy. And that’s what I do best, creating choas to inspire choas on the page.

I was part of an interesting panel yesterday with Tristan Bancks, Karen Brooks and Lili Wilkinson about digital storytelling. Tristan has developed a new program called Storyboard that combines visuals and text, among other things. It’ll be free and out in April (I’ll send a link from his website soon).

I also learnt a lot from the YA writers panel, finding the voice, a strong bunch of authors including James Roy and Cath Crowley, when I hear them speak, I feel so UP (underpowered hehe), YA is something beyond me, I respect it and love the books but I could never dive deep enough to touch YA stuff.

Not long to go before the last talk in the marquee. Then it’s a relaxing arvo and dinner, more photos and goss soon!


About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree


  1. Kerry Brown says:

    16/03/12 @ 3:19 pm 

    NIce to touch base today Oliver. Enjoy the evening.

  2. Oliver says:

    17/03/12 @ 10:02 am 

    Thanks Kerry, we’ll be in touch 🙂

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