Hey hey!
I can’t believe how quickly my 2 weeks has flown in the Burrow. I’m almost halfway through the last draft of Nothing’s Prefect and it’s taken a new lease of life, my main character has respawn with new ammo and weapons (to use a gaming term).
Yesterday, I went to the Thai Literary Banquet in Norwood, delicious Thai food and a chance for me to chat to other members and supporters of the May Gibbs Trust. I also met some SCBWI and echkidna writers, the latter is a bunch of kids writers that regularly meet up.
There were also some other SA authors that I’ve met at other festivals including Rosanna Hawke and Greg Holfiend.
Today I did some talks at Norwood Library for the fabulous kids at Norwood PS. It’s always nice to have a responsive audience, and you always give a lot more when they’re having fun. I went to visit their own school library, named after May Gibbs herself. I was well supported by local and long-time children books legend Elizabeth Hutchins.
So now I’ll spend the rest of my week, trying to get as much done of my final draft of Nothing’s Prefect. I’ve got the scenes all jumbled up, cutting scenes that don’t make sense and trying to get some tension earlier in the story. I know the ending zings, it’s just the start that needs work, I got to have a hook!