Summer Daze

Happy New Year cHEwY gum gums!

My first blog post of 2019…so surely it’s officially time for me to get into work mode, right?

Well kinda. Usually, I get back into the swing of things after the tennis. When the Australian Open final is over and school starts is when I usually start writing. I know for a lot of writers, January is a great month to write, create and get that project up and running. Believe me, I’ve tried. But it’s not for me.

I used to look at the glorious five/six weeks of school holidays with plans of writing a first draft, or polishing a rough draft, listening to cricket, drinking bubble tea.

The reality is, I’m melting in my chair, brain-dead.

We’re about to hit another heatwave in Sydney. It’s going to be 45 degrees on Friday. I missed out on the Christmas/NY heatwave, because I was in New Zealand. No luck here. When it gets over 35 degrees, my brain shuts down. I turn into a groaning puddle.

Another revelation for me is that whenever I have a lot of free time, I squander it. Other writers look at a block of time, say a month and rub their hands with glee. I’d normally spend half of that month, doing something lame, or just doing nothing. Sure, I blame the heat. But if I really wanted to, I could go to a library or food court and have my bubble tea. But I don’t know if it’d be productive. I’m usually in the zone in between tours, or when I’m at a motel after a long day of school visits. Funny enough, it’s usually a lot cooler haha. But the less time I have, the more I want to write. I need to hunger for it.

So I’m okay with calling January a dead month. This year is a little different because I have a book out in May (Don’t Follow Vee, in case you didn’t know plug plug plug) so I’m proof-reading it. Editing/proof-reading is something I can handle haha. I’m going to give my brain a rest, and know that when the school speeding zones are back in force, I will be too…not that I be writing at 40km an hour haha

If you’ve read this far, thank you for joining me. I started to blog every Tuesday since June last year and I like the goal of having to share a thought or two about my writing and cHEwY journey. I’ve got some juicy topics lined up, so stay tuned for some random, funny and hopefully insightful posts about life of a writer/gamer/burger lover…


About the author

I'm an author, stand-up comedian and teacher. My books include Thai-riffic!, Con-nerd, Punchlines and The Other Christy. I'm a massive Nintendo fan and love eating burgers. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram @oliverwinfree

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