Yoo Hoo!
I had my first meeting with Heather for this year, back from a refreshing break. A few tweaks here and there for the page proofs, mostly to do with food. Still not sure if the Thai things should be italic or not. We don’t want the readers to be bombarded with italics. A Penguin editor from Melbourne had a look, giving us a few things to think about. Heather has a knack for smoothing things out. She gets around any tricky parts, with a little help from me. When you see your manuscript in page form, things stick out. Every change has a reason and adds to a stronger story. The last thing I want is a reader to do is to say ‘What The!’ about something on the page (unless I want them too heaheahea).
It’s funny how complicated things can be if we change one thing in a scene, it’s a chain reaction that ripples throughout the story. It’s fun seeing my stories take another step forward. Speaking of fun, I got a sneak peek at some Evillustrations. Evi’s pictures on the inside cover are totally awesome and I can’t wait to show everyone hehe. She’s busily working on the pages. The surprises didn’t stop there. I got to see my cool blurb on the back of the book, along with a mock cover wrapped around another book. It just makes the book feel…3D (without wearing dorky glasses).
So there’s not much to fix up now, not long now before it gets to the printers. I promise to take some happy snaps at Penguin HQ in my next visit for this blog and website-in-the-making 🙂
Oh, and it’s the 75th anniversary of Penguin books this year, along with Puffin’s 70th anniversary too. What a time to release a book hehe
Gimme a penguin slap!
Here’s the proof pages, post it tags and all 🙂